Main Idea or Concept:
There is a vital force within us that is constantly doing its best for our bodies. Disease is the way this vital force attacks our bodies to let it know something is out of line with nature. Heath is the natural state of man, and disease is the absence of health. When one complies with the laws of nature he cannot be sick. There are principles of this vital force that awaken the being and for those that believe the vital force exists, let flow naturally through the body knowing it is taking the course of action that is in the best interest of the body and mind. They aim to awaken their greatest state of health and repose great confidence in the force.
- The concept of self preservation is that humans naturally strive for survival.
- Male and female are naturally attracted to preserve the human race
- Man will sometimes go against civil behaviour and eat a comrade if stranded together – survival of the fittest
- Disease results to often rid the body of toxins as our behaviour may have allowed carelessness and shock to the system
- Damage is repaired in the body with this force – broken bone for ex.
- Health is life under normal conditions, disease is under abnormal conditions.
- In our way of life now, the vital force finds it hard to do right for us – we have unnatural diets, sleeping patterns, breathing habits etc. – it could be argued that we are without health
New Concept:
I was unaware that the yogi holds this principle of the vital force in such high regard. It makes sense that our society is arguably living in a state of non-health. Its amazing that everyone’s body does more or less the same when it comes to reconstruction and renewal, believers or non-believers of this force.
Does the state of a male and female’s bodies at the time of conception (their state of health) directly affect or determine the state of health of the fetus or child? What is the likeliness that the disease will carry over to their baby?
So why do some diseases result in death? Why are those specific people dying, is there a force that controls that?