Monday, November 30, 2009

Strength behind the Uniform

This past weekend I executed an event I have been planning for the past two months. A "Spa and Wellness Day" for families of soldiers overseas. Joining forces with the Military Family Resource Center (MFRC) Cambridge we collaborated to offer a day of wellness and relaxation, an opportunity for families to come together in support of one another. We are all united by a common thread - and must remain strong as our heroes depart on their journey.
My involvement with the MFRC is important for my own strength and wellness - as my own loved one leaves for War.
The support offered by the MFRC is such an important community connection for the families. Monthly meetings, dinners, guest speakers, and special events are only some of the forums of support. We are able to gather to learn, share our thoughts, our strength and our struggle.

Offering the "Spa and Wellness Day" was of special importance to me - as I was able to share Yoga with many ladies who have never experienced this wonderful practice. Yoga is very much a tool for wellness, a way to keep the Self independently healthy in mind and body. This is ultimately the most important approach we - the families - the "strength behind the uniform" can take to ease the difficulties we are faced with during deployment.
Keep well, stay strong, and breathe.
Yoga helps us to stay positive and strong. Through practice we develop awareness, directly transferring to our ability to be emotionally strong, present, alert, fit, conscious in the midst of anything and everything. Fully available to our families here and abroad.
In yoga we practice controlling the fluctuations of the mind - something we are undoubtedly to experience.
Keeping well is the only answer for working through the difficulties of deployment. It is my honor not only to share yoga with the families - but to keep myself strong - to be the supportive partner my soldier will need on the home front.

"I know the greatness of heart to see the difference between duty and his love for me. I understand that I may know, when duty calls him he must go. I will practice each day, to fill the time when he's away. And know when he's in a foreign land, I must stay positive and understand. When he is on duty in the field, I am his home strength, his shield. And though I know deployment maybe long, I will stay healthy, positive, and always strong."

Monday, November 9, 2009

Stillness of Morning - My commitment to rising before the sun

I have made a commitment to myself, my practice....and Nala (my darling dog).

Starting today - and everyday - I will rise before the sun. It is in the hours of morning when the stillness cannot help but invite a calmness into the body. A time to meditate, a time to think and create, a time for me, and a time for Nala to do what doggers do - sniff and explore. Starting today I commit to my continual rise before the sun.

In past when I have woken or chose to wake early before the sun - I have noticed a difference in my day - a contentment that is so amazing.
Why is this?

Our bodies are attuned with nature and naturally wake up with light. On the contrary - Its true we sleep better in darkness.
Our ancestors - before electricity was invented - would know it is time to get up because the sun was starting to come up!
Perhaps you like to sleep in the morning - if so - you can still wake with light. There are natural alarm clocks that turn on a light at the time it is set for then gradually increases in intensity.
Its good to expose ourselves to light when we first wake up - this triggers the "wake up" vibe in the body. We finish sleeping and we can get out of bed and start the day!

A few tips on morning wake ups and routines from the Yoga Journal website

I am excited. Making commitments to my practice is an important part of the journey, an important part of growth! Opening now to new opportunity that perhaps I was missing during my deep sleeps in my dark bedroom!

Enjoy the brightness of day and the stillness of night.


(Top Picture: A beautiful Santorini, Greece sunset - I took the photo in October 2006)

Saturday, October 31, 2009

The Warrior Sisters!

My sister Nikki and I - The Warrior Sisters - practicing on the rocks of an island somewhere in Georgian Bay, Ontario.
Practice YOGA - here there and everywhere!!

Friday, October 16, 2009

Before the sun

Today - like many of my days - I am up before the sun and I love it!
I get myself ready, take care of Nala, and rush out the door to the yoga studio. I should get up a little bit earlier, so I do not have to rush - but sometimes that little extra 5 minutes of sleep is worth it! The thought of missing the 6:30am yoga class adds a little fuel to my fire - makes me move a little faster than I want to at 6 in the morning - but I make it to class.

Always tuning into my body - what it needs - how it should move - what my breath feels like within me and keeping my mind open to invite in challenge. Finding a place between ease and effort - being that place.
I was not at ease when I came into my practice - but in the midst of the stillness of morning - I created a truce with my body - with my mind - Present, available, and ready to breath through the challenge.
My knee has been shakey for the past few days...and yes today I felt the definite strain in my fragile joint. I set an intention of "gentle kindess" to my body. I flowed through the first few postures and realized (more than most days) I needed to follow my body as opposed to the teacher - the poor new teacher - who probably thought - now what exactly is this girl doing, as I totally deviated from her class!
Laying in Savasana I breathed deeply into my knee - exhaled - consciously released the tension and holding and softened my body. Relief. But now to the wall. Inverting my legs to allow the blood to flow away from my tender knee - and giving my legs/knee a soft massage. It was here when I started to massage the knee that I realized it was actually a pulled muscle - one of the lateral stablizer muslces. For the remaining time in the class I stayed here - legs up the wall - massaging and breathing - staying prsesent and tuning into gentleness within.

Translating the stillness of morning into the stillness of mind and body I was able to relax my strained knee. Today's practice was exactly what it needed to be. It always is.

Awake, alert, alive, prepared, present; I practice.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Working from home....the Daugger invasion!

So as I sit at my beloved Nala-bear - the over energized black lab (daughter+dogger=daugger) belonging to my boyfriend and myself - continues to cause trouble.
Everyday the same antics - sleep for a bit - find socks to bring to me - sleep - find more socks or slippers - hang out on the couch with her bone - nap - bring me more items from around the house.
Yesterday she actually climbed up my chair and literally try to SIT on my lap - which she managed for about 4 seconds before her 80lb body realized just how ridiculous it was being - and jumped off of me!
Last week I walked into the kitchen to make a cup of tea - and there she was - sitting ON top of the kitchen table. Apparently she needed a better view for the squirrel watching in the backyard!

----------------- now for the yoga side of things.......

frustrations in life are inevitable - its our reaction to the frustrations that create our reality. Turn negatives into positive thoughts. Learn to embrace the things that frustrate you - don't let them be a bother! When we let things brew - we create stress within our bodies - stress that our bodies hold onto. We didn't create the situation - but we created the stress when we couldn't let go of it. Let go - embrace the situation - turn a negative into a positive thought!

In my case - Nala is now sitting on most of the chair behind me - while I am being further pushed to the edge. Gotta love it!
She got her chair, we are both happy - free from stress.

Create peace within you.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Types of Yoga Classes offered by Ashley Lord Yoga

Kundalini Yoga with Ashley: The Yoga of Awareness

This powerful yoga works to strengthen and balance all systems of the body (glandular, skeletal, immune, etc.). Connect with your breath and test your mental limits while you de-stress. This class will not only energize you , but also help you shape, tone and strengthen your entire body. Kundalini yoga works on growing your self-mastery so that you can can experience life from your highest consciousness and self.
This type of yoga combines Kriyas (movements/routines) with relaxation and meditation.

Hatha Yoga with Ashley: Style inspired by Moksha and Ashtanga

This toning, muscle building and well rounded yoga class will leave you sweating. From beginner to advanced student; put yourself to the challenge of movement. All classes end with a deep relaxation and optional meditation. 

Private Yoga Lessons with Ashley: A privately guided yoga class designed for you

Ashley will help you build a yoga practice that works for you! These sessions are tailored with your goals and focus in mind, while providing a safe and inviting experience for you to start or continue to grow your practice.

Ashley's Running and Yoga: A brief run followed by a yoga session

Designed specifically for runners or runners at heart that have not laced up their shoes yet; this yoga will concentrate on lengthening and strengthening the joints and muscles that are impacted during a run. Combining deep breathing techniques with long stretches "running and yoga" will completely balance the body. You will leave this class feeling energized, strong, satisfied, and ready for your next run!!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Power of Movement - Yoga Challenge

The Power of Movement is a Nation-wide fundraiser to raise money and awareness for Arthritis!
I have joined forces with Moksha Yoga Waterloo in hopes to collectively raise $2500.
We are challenging ourselves to 30 days of yoga - with everyone across Canada in the fundraiser, coming together on the 22nd of Feb. to practice yoga at our chosen studio!

Being part of this team is exciting and rewarding and I am looking forward to the challenge!