Saturday, October 31, 2009

The Warrior Sisters!

My sister Nikki and I - The Warrior Sisters - practicing on the rocks of an island somewhere in Georgian Bay, Ontario.
Practice YOGA - here there and everywhere!!

Friday, October 16, 2009

Before the sun

Today - like many of my days - I am up before the sun and I love it!
I get myself ready, take care of Nala, and rush out the door to the yoga studio. I should get up a little bit earlier, so I do not have to rush - but sometimes that little extra 5 minutes of sleep is worth it! The thought of missing the 6:30am yoga class adds a little fuel to my fire - makes me move a little faster than I want to at 6 in the morning - but I make it to class.

Always tuning into my body - what it needs - how it should move - what my breath feels like within me and keeping my mind open to invite in challenge. Finding a place between ease and effort - being that place.
I was not at ease when I came into my practice - but in the midst of the stillness of morning - I created a truce with my body - with my mind - Present, available, and ready to breath through the challenge.
My knee has been shakey for the past few days...and yes today I felt the definite strain in my fragile joint. I set an intention of "gentle kindess" to my body. I flowed through the first few postures and realized (more than most days) I needed to follow my body as opposed to the teacher - the poor new teacher - who probably thought - now what exactly is this girl doing, as I totally deviated from her class!
Laying in Savasana I breathed deeply into my knee - exhaled - consciously released the tension and holding and softened my body. Relief. But now to the wall. Inverting my legs to allow the blood to flow away from my tender knee - and giving my legs/knee a soft massage. It was here when I started to massage the knee that I realized it was actually a pulled muscle - one of the lateral stablizer muslces. For the remaining time in the class I stayed here - legs up the wall - massaging and breathing - staying prsesent and tuning into gentleness within.

Translating the stillness of morning into the stillness of mind and body I was able to relax my strained knee. Today's practice was exactly what it needed to be. It always is.

Awake, alert, alive, prepared, present; I practice.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Working from home....the Daugger invasion!

So as I sit at my beloved Nala-bear - the over energized black lab (daughter+dogger=daugger) belonging to my boyfriend and myself - continues to cause trouble.
Everyday the same antics - sleep for a bit - find socks to bring to me - sleep - find more socks or slippers - hang out on the couch with her bone - nap - bring me more items from around the house.
Yesterday she actually climbed up my chair and literally try to SIT on my lap - which she managed for about 4 seconds before her 80lb body realized just how ridiculous it was being - and jumped off of me!
Last week I walked into the kitchen to make a cup of tea - and there she was - sitting ON top of the kitchen table. Apparently she needed a better view for the squirrel watching in the backyard!

----------------- now for the yoga side of things.......

frustrations in life are inevitable - its our reaction to the frustrations that create our reality. Turn negatives into positive thoughts. Learn to embrace the things that frustrate you - don't let them be a bother! When we let things brew - we create stress within our bodies - stress that our bodies hold onto. We didn't create the situation - but we created the stress when we couldn't let go of it. Let go - embrace the situation - turn a negative into a positive thought!

In my case - Nala is now sitting on most of the chair behind me - while I am being further pushed to the edge. Gotta love it!
She got her chair, we are both happy - free from stress.

Create peace within you.