"babe, you should find a new dentist"
I opened a smallish black door where I was greeted by Alex, the 20 year veteran receptionist. She was all smiles. Great energy. A happy, blonde, 60 something in purple scrubs. The office was kinda shabby, but homey with a few quaint pieces of art on the wall. It housed a ghetto blaster (obviously, I thought) with the CBC talk radio station going on about listeners and their opinions on the new Canadian anthem lyric change. Hmmm. Good to know. I was not aware of this change (I thought again).
We chatted for quite some time, teeth cleaning prices, the weather, more about the computer system and a little mention of the anthem change. I’d already decided this was my new dental home. She found the next available appointment slot and it was mine! I asked if I could write my information on a piece of paper (a solid 15 minutes since my arrival, and I did need to get going), we never did get the system working. "Look forward to seeing you again Alex!" "You too.....Ashley..." *pause, with a pleasant chuckle afterwards. (not really sure what that was about, but i'll take it!)
I don’t need the fancy dentist office. Let me tell you, the first one was nice. I even used their bathroom and scoped out the whole place. (I also totally mucked up their obnoxiously white polished lobby floors with my winter boots. "Ugh, hi, Canada called - your office lives here and the salt, ya that shit is gonna stain.")
"I know, i really have been meaning to"
"the longer you leave it, the plaque could really build up and when it does and the gums recede, they don't grow back!
(I love that he cares about my gums)
(I love that he cares about my gums)
"Okay - i'm going today!
*kiss him on the cheek.
So, I am on the hunt for a new dentist (mine, unfortunately died last year) plus that office is located in the town I grew up in and that's just way out of my current jurisdiction.
Off I went this afternoon. There must be at least 7 dental offices within a 4 km stretch in my neighbourhood - people are seriously all about the teeth here.
Okay, and so my story really begins here. (I could, offer a detailed hospitality and decor review for all of these joints, I saw A LOT of stuff, but I'll spare you, this time.)
After leaving 4 different dental offices and having sub par experiences within all of them I was almost discouraged as I casually started the walk home. I had almost decided on just saying screw it and calling my boyfriends dental office all the way over in the west end just to feel like i'd accomplished something. Until I stumbled upon a house. A small, rather worn looking house that hugged the park. “Accepting new patients” said the sign (although, rather confusing as the sign looked slightly more like a hair dressers welcome, then a dentist. I entered anyway)
I opened a smallish black door where I was greeted by Alex, the 20 year veteran receptionist. She was all smiles. Great energy. A happy, blonde, 60 something in purple scrubs. The office was kinda shabby, but homey with a few quaint pieces of art on the wall. It housed a ghetto blaster (obviously, I thought) with the CBC talk radio station going on about listeners and their opinions on the new Canadian anthem lyric change. Hmmm. Good to know. I was not aware of this change (I thought again).
Alex, the Capricorn (as she'd alerted me), and I exchanged a few laughs as she cursed at her new computer system (she’s 6 days in and has had no training she's shared with me) and about her frustration with the pens that didn’t write properly on their business cards. She asked me my birthday, I replied with the date and almost immediately was met with “Aw, a Taurus, like my daughter”. (I'm totally loving this experience already, I think to myself)
We chatted for quite some time, teeth cleaning prices, the weather, more about the computer system and a little mention of the anthem change. I’d already decided this was my new dental home. She found the next available appointment slot and it was mine! I asked if I could write my information on a piece of paper (a solid 15 minutes since my arrival, and I did need to get going), we never did get the system working. "Look forward to seeing you again Alex!" "You too.....Ashley..." *pause, with a pleasant chuckle afterwards. (not really sure what that was about, but i'll take it!)
It was settled. This would be my new dentist office. Dr. M....something or other. Long name as per the 4 or so degrees and certificates I saw hanging on the wall behind her desk. (One of them reading, Dental Surgeon Certification, to which I thought, "okay he seems legit") *side note, I once visited a dentist office for a cleaning when I was living in El Salvador (the medical tourism was booming at the time), but that office totally had an armed guard outside the barred up and densely secure facility.
So I figure I'm alright here in Canada.
I continued my stroll home. Along the park I went, smiling, reflecting contently on the exchange I’d just been a part of and coming to a few realizations.
I continued my stroll home. Along the park I went, smiling, reflecting contently on the exchange I’d just been a part of and coming to a few realizations.
I don’t need the fancy dentist office. Let me tell you, the first one was nice. I even used their bathroom and scoped out the whole place. (I also totally mucked up their obnoxiously white polished lobby floors with my winter boots. "Ugh, hi, Canada called - your office lives here and the salt, ya that shit is gonna stain.")
Anyway, what was I saying.
Right. I don't need the fancy dentist office.
The ones with the standard, homesensey looking art and crappy fixtures that look good now, but you know will be shit in 3 years and won’t have aged well at all. (although, the fishtanks were nice)
Really, or realistically some would argue, I could have easily called all of these offices to find out their prices, but I kept wanting to envision myself at the dentist and I couldn't picture it. I couldn't feel it! So, in classic Ashley fashion, I spent an entire afternoon walking into all of them to check them out. I took my time. I stopped for tea.
Thank you Alex, at the dental office by the park (which I totally forget the name of but will remember exactly where you are located.)
Thank you for being awesome. You made my day.
And I really look forward to seeing you this Tuesday at 10am to meet my dentist. He’s a Virgo.