I spent last night at the Toronto Poetry Slam (
http://torontopoetryslam.com/). Truly inspired by the insane talent amongst these young poets as they passionately share their accounts of life in beautifully constructed rhymes and verse.
My new friend Eytan...a very talented and delightful person - totally rocked it on stage. I appreciate his energy and the undying passion he puts into his work. He knows what it means to work hard - as he visits as many open mic nights around the city after 8 hours at *ahem* a boring day job...he keeps at it. He is part of a comedy troop called The BOOM, and writes constantly.
Keep rocking buddy - and LOVE the journey.
Great conversation with him and another friend at a little pizza place on Queen after the show. Each of us...artist, entrepreneur, navigating...we find our way.
We spoke of how important it is to live authentically. Everyone has their own journey. Has a path. Life unfolds the way it is supposed to. Everyone comes from a different background. We learn from one another.
Do we judge other's path's too often? Do judgements come from a place of fear? Is our path more easily validated by putting down that of another? Can people from completely different backgrounds end up in the same profession?
Sometimes I think people are quick to judge other's when it comes to what they think they "should" be doing with their life.
Who is anyone to say how another "should" be living?
When we pin people, stereotype or cast them - we really are looking at them with such limited perception or scope. Do we miss out on opportunity to learn from them?
The three of us spoke a lot about actors - as Eytan and Suzie (both actors) know each other from a school for the arts - and as they caught up - it was a natural evolution of our conversation.
But - Actors though - what is the typical personality type of an actor? Is there one? Really - can't anyone act? What makes an actor good?
Who would make a better actor?
a.) girl with straight A's through school, part of a theatre club, degree in fine arts theatre, various local talent shows and then cast in a professional show directly out of school
b.) guy who dropped out of high school, abuses drugs, back and forth between jobs, various acting gigs between rehab stays
(loosely based on real life people haha)
I think the question need not be who is the better actor, but rather, how can these two people learn from each other.
Two polar opposites, with extremely different life experiences have come into the same profession. If two such people were cast together in the same production, would they be judged by their accomplishments, or lack there of?
Perhaps they would.
Maybe they would even judge each other and again, try to validate their place in life by putting down that of their cast mate.
Girl thinks she is better because of her credentials and guy is insulted that girl thinks she is better than him because she is "professionally educated".
What can we learn from this?
It will do neither of them any favours - nor will they learn anything while BOTH carry on with a limited perception of each other.
let's say both of these people are equally gifted actors.
Girl actor - and guy actor - yes, have extremely opposing backgrounds - but what if they can learn from each other while they work together?
Leave out the judgement, the pre-conceived notions and pressure to be the best. Communicate.
All she must do is be authentic for her, from what she knows and vise versa, he for him. They share stories and experiences, as colleagues do, and maybe they do not need to immediately understand one another, but all is perfect in this moment, as they each do what they know, and are equally content with themselves. Take time to appreciate this connection with another, even in the face of fear or uncertainty.
Did they want to listen to the experiences each other was sharing? Perhaps not.
BUT - are they glad they did?
Do they understand with a little more ease, this real life experience that was shared by their colleague?
Maybe one day one of them will be cast in a new part where they are to play a character that is reflective of the other guy or girl actor's real life.
Will they now know how to navigate themselves better if such happens? Will their new character depiction come from a more authentic place within them because they took the opportunity to learn from this person's story? Or simply just to listen to it?
Simply listen. Listen and learn. Learn to know yourself better with help of others. Help others know themselves better.
We have all come from various walks of life. We have pasts that make us who we are right here - in the present.
Such is life.
Continue to carve the path, live from the soul, from what we each know and feel is right for us. How can we go wrong?!
Let go of judgement. Judgement of Self. Judgement of Others.
Take each moment to learn and continue to live authentically.
act from the soul.
right from the heart of you.
Recognize other's authenticity.
Do not judge.
...and as we do that, others will learn.
always remembering that the people who cross our path in life - mirror back to us - what we must truly learn about ourself.
In this great exchange of life.
From the soul,