So often I hear, "I am not flexible enough to do yoga!"
Most often I want to respond by saying, "well get your a*s on the mat and you will get flexible" jokingly of course :)
In fact - it is true you will become flexible as you start to incorporate a yoga practice into your life but many people are in fact very hesitant to try a class because of this common misconception.
Personally I believe that yoga is for anyone; and will be beneficial to everyone!! But I also believe, as a teacher, that it is important to introduce beginners in a way that they will understand, giving them certain tools to slowly discover the benefits for themselves.
I have heard stories about people that try a yoga class for the first time and get discouraged for one of many reasons: the teacher moves too fast and it is hard to catch up, or they don't understand how to calm the mind because the teacher keeps saying "calm the mind" but doesn't teach essential breathing techniques that facilitates this "calming", or better yet the teacher start talking in a foreign language (sanskrit - and on a side not it's not weird...but i'll get to that on another post) that is really "out there" leaving the student thinking WTF?!
Look no further --> I am here to help you and you will get as flexible as you want to be!
For those of you who really want to try yoga and haven't yet...this is for you:
Get your a*s on the mat: 7 Reasons why you should try yoga if you think you are not flexible
1. You will GET flexible if you start. Flexibility is a product of Yoga = not a prerequisite!
2. There is always someone out there less flexible than you...(and once you do a few classes, you will realize no one is looking at how inflexible you are - because they are so focussed on their thing. Yoga is NOT competitive)
3. The least flexible people will probably benefit the most
4. A well trained body will help you to train your mind so you can be physically and mentally FIT
5. In yoga philosophy it is said that "age is measured by the flexibility of your spine" - so to stay feeling young - start bending!
6. As one of my teachers always says "The power is in the Process!" (Baron Baptiste). Flexibility is not going to happen overnight - but trust that it will in time.
7. It's not really about touching your toes...but what you will discover about yourself on the journey down there!
I teach classes designed for beginners and I will show you the ropes so you of yoga - so you can start to discover your body and mind in a new way!
Much love to all the soon to be toe touchers,
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