Wednesday, February 24, 2016

The way to India is a plane.

Tucked into a very cozy bed in Cabbagetown - Toronto, I've been hibernating for weeks. The polar vortex situation coincided with valentines day and a 14 hour shift with the work family, marking the end of the beginning.
Bistro days pause, the torrents of familiar city life fade and a colourful land awaits.

Answering a call from my heart I journey to India. Taking off. Setting Sail. Cruising out. Not overly anxious but rather I sit in ease knowing this is exactly what I need.
Ninja travel instincts on point. My head is up; eyes open.

There will be silence, palm trees, chanting, slow walking, heat, noise, chaos, people, coupled with minimal bed bugs (not happening again), stomach upset, mosquitos, mountains & mystery.

After at least 3-4 weeks in the south as the weather starts to warm in the Himalayas I will begin my accent to the north.

Consulting the guide book in my heart I plan to make no plans.

Travel...I have been incredibly grateful to experience it's many wonders for a significant part of my first 32 years...but still questions, my own and other's arise.

Is travel an escape? Am I running?
Do alluring lands divert to new realities and make it easy to forget about "life" for a while? Is freedom easier found in foreign lands with absence of the familiar?

No. I do not run. I know better. I go to broaden the mind; to dive in deep. Dive into the most important reality I seek to understand. The one within. And so it is to India I go. With no idea how I will come out on the other end. But a pretty good feeling I'll shift into an even brighter version of myself.
In this continuous adventure of growth, realizations, fuck ups, heartache, beauty, pain and wonder; good intentions abound.
This human experience, so very real, incredibly wonderful...a true blessing.

Honouring the battle scars that have brought me here I leave for India with a vow to myself:

to live in practice. to be strong. to simplify the mind. to gain everything. and give it away with love.

This post began with a title: The way to India is a plane...
I fly in style tonight on Emirates Airline. Beginning this journey with cozy seats, lots of leg room and a hell of a spread of delicious snacks.

Dear courageous Self & beautiful Intuition, be free my loves. Let us go.

Bon voyage and bon appetite.

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