Friday, November 26, 2010

I don't think i'm a "yoga person"

To start things off - you are not alone. So many people out there do not think that they are the “yoga type”, but the reality is that there is no real “type” of yoga person.
As the picture above is alluding to - anyone can do yoga. You do not have to wear lululemon, have dreadlocks, wear birkenstocks, or any of the other stereotypical yoga type associations. All you need is an open mind to try something new, something that may prove to inspire and empower you!

How awesome is that!?

Yoga is not just about bending and stretching the body, it is about opening yourself up to the even greater possibility of knowing yourself better. Who wouldn’t want that?

Okay - so you think you are fine the way you are and you will stay the same for the rest of your life? Great! Maybe you do not need yoga...but for most of us out there - we find ourselves searching for answers in to be the best at our job - how to be optimally fit - how to be totally happy - how to de-stress - how to have a great relationship...the list goes on...but more specifically searching for tools to achieve them!

Life is always changing, always challenging, and let’s face it - most of the time extremely stressful...BUT what if there was a way to be able to better manage and navigate through all of these things in life?

Like a magic potion perhaps? :)

When people reveal, “I don’t think I am a yoga person” - I get excited to talk about why they should try yoga and then they can make their choice again as to whether they think they are or not.

You see - yoga is a tool. Take away the fancy studios, the ladies with the green tea lattes in one hand and lululemon mat and bag in the other...and there is just YOGA.

Pop culture has jumped on the Yoga bandwagon and turned it into a bit of a fad. BUT...

Yoga is simple really and can be done anywhere, wearing anything.

As you bend and stretch the body, focus on the breath, you are practicing mindfulness - being in the present moment and better being able to deal with any frustrations that arise (like perhaps if you hold a posture for an extended period of time and get angry about it but you use the focus of the breath to calm the mind). You get to almost prepare yourself for real life situations - by practicing how to de-stress in a non-harming, non-aggressive environment first.

By practicing yoga you get your hands on simple tools that can make a world of difference in your happiness and the way you live your life!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Get your a*s on the mat - 7 Reasons why you should TRY yoga if you think you are not flexible

So often I hear, "I am not flexible enough to do yoga!"
Most often I want to respond by saying, "well get your a*s on the mat and you will get flexible" jokingly of course :)

In fact - it is true you will become flexible as you start to incorporate a yoga practice into your life but many people are in fact very hesitant to try a class because of this common misconception.

Personally I believe that yoga is for anyone; and will be beneficial to everyone!! But I also believe, as a teacher, that it is important to introduce beginners in a way that they will understand, giving them certain tools to slowly discover the benefits for themselves.

I have heard stories about people that try a yoga class for the first time and get discouraged for one of many reasons: the teacher moves too fast and it is hard to catch up, or they don't understand how to calm the mind because the teacher keeps saying "calm the mind" but doesn't teach essential breathing techniques that facilitates this "calming", or better yet the teacher start talking in a foreign language (sanskrit - and on a side not it's not weird...but i'll get to that on another post) that is really "out there" leaving the student thinking WTF?!

Look no further --> I am here to help you and you will get as flexible as you want to be!
For those of you who really want to try yoga and haven't yet...this is for you:

Get your a*s on the mat: 7 Reasons why you should try yoga if you think you are not flexible

1. You will GET flexible if you start. Flexibility is a product of Yoga = not a prerequisite!
2. There is always someone out there less flexible than you...(and once you do a few classes, you will realize no one is looking at how inflexible you are - because they are so focussed on their thing. Yoga is NOT competitive)
3. The least flexible people will probably benefit the most
4. A well trained body will help you to train your mind so you can be physically and mentally FIT
5. In yoga philosophy it is said that "age is measured by the flexibility of your spine" - so to stay feeling young - start bending!
6. As one of my teachers always says "The power is in the Process!" (Baron Baptiste). Flexibility is not going to happen overnight - but trust that it will in time.
7. It's not really about touching your toes...but what you will discover about yourself on the journey down there!

I teach classes designed for beginners and I will show you the ropes so you of yoga - so you can start to discover your body and mind in a new way!

Much love to all the soon to be toe touchers,


Friday, October 29, 2010

The “no cell phone” Experiment.

I recently returned home from vacation in the Caribbean…it was everything the Caribbean is and should be; a relaxing, tropical haven to unwind, relax and take time away from the “real world” (ie. Sans the Cellular phone that is more often than not attached to my ear...).

Before I left, Bell Mobility decided to disconnect my cell phone – it’s a long story and I will not bore you with the details, but it has brought me to now, currently without a working phone. This will probably (I can almost guarantee) be the only time in my life I will say a very small thank you, to Bell for their services – or lack there of.

Typically after a holiday or stint away from my beloved iphone, I cannot wait to get back to the daily texting, emailing, calling, etc. This time was different and I am surprised and pleased to say I enjoy the freedom of not being “connected”. Some of you are thinking how stressed out this would make you – unable to be in touch at every minute of the day! Let me assure you – I actually thought I would have this reaction! My dad will support that statement – he used to joke about me having a phone growing out of my head. Like I mentioned I was surprised to enjoy this time without a cell phone; I didn’t have to check it every other minute to see if I missed a text or a call, no interruptions while writing, driving, or enjoying other daily activities. (The worst was bringing my phone to the gym – definitely gave that up a while ago – I would recommend it!)

No cell phone = freedom.

Why are we so attached to our technology, our little devises? Can we find more freedom if we give them up?

Now – to set the record straight, I am not blind to the fact that we live in a society that is very comfortable and dependent on these “devises” – especially for those of us in the business world…BUT what if….even for one day, we did not have our phones? Do we have the ability to tune out from the external distractions?

If so, does it more easily enable us to tune into the internal? Into our own bodies, minds, dreams, and arguably our LIFE?!

As I write this post I will let you know that I am still without a phone. It actually feels very liberating, but more importantly it was the reaction I received to my lack of phone connection that triggered the idea for this post.

“Why don’t you have a phone? When are you getting your phone back, this is weird! Get a phone already? You know, you really should get your phone back so you can be in touch.”

Haha, the fact that I was without a phone actually stressed other people out more! It was a very funny realization. Three days ago I was hanging out at the yoga studio in Waterloo when a girl came in and the first thing she said to us was “I think I left my cell phone at home today – I don’t know how I feel about that”. So interesting. How would you feel?

Being completely content without a phone this last week has changed the way I feel about my connection to “THE WORLD”. I can survive some days without one. I am already getting more accomplished because I am not checking it every five seconds.

So I conclude the following:

I will be activating my phone probably in the next week or so (for emergency purposes – and not to mention my boyfriend is in Afghanistan and I have an obligation to be available for him. He’s been bugging me about not having a phone), but I will be scheduling “no phone” days. Or at least turning my phone off for a few hours per day to tune out and zero in to be completely connected with what I am working on or experiencing.

Do cell phones take us away from really being “present” to our life as it happens in front of us – not somewhere off in digital land?

How would you feel if you didn’t have a phone for a day, a week, a month?


The secret of happiness you see, is not found in seeking more, but in developing the capacity to enjoy less. - Socrates

Love, Ashley

Friday, September 24, 2010

City vibe & big ideas &

Well - I have officially moved out of Waterloo! Yay. Happy and excited to report that I will no longer be a 51niner. As much as Waterloo is a wonderful is just not the place I want to be right now.
I am simply choosing to be in a booming city where the possibilities and opportunities are just that much more large scale than Waterloo. Although I do thank Waterloo for all of the awesomeness it has presented to me for the past 7 years....
I have been seeking the city vibe. I am thinking BIG. Wanting to be surrounded in culture, innovation, people - gaining inspiration from the outside - in.
Interestingly enough I watched a video online today that sums up exactly why I am seeking such change. More on that shortly.

Just returning home from being away on vacation I had time to really reflect on what drives me in life - what do I enjoy most about my days on this earth and what do I really want to spend my time doing. There is definitely one common denominator that continues to hold true to my visions in life - and that is my interaction with people and facilitating experience for myself and others. I can only speak for myself (though other artists will definitely concur) when I say that experience/interaction with people keeps me driven and sparks creativity. Learning from others, hearing their ideas, observing their quirks or traits, sharing and engaging in life with them. This fuels the fire of my writing. Regardless of the situation, there is always something I will learn or take in. I have touched on this concept in my other postings and today I share with you a link from an awesome website called

Steven Johnson, an acclaimed author speaks to the notion of ideas as "networks" rather than "eureka" moments. That the cumulation of information from people, experiences, books, tv, anything external - is processed and all plays a role in the formulation of internal ideas in our mind that help define creativity. Innovation is spawned from external networks (experience) that are processed in our brains creating new neurological networks (our great ideas!).
This website is a forum for the sharing of ideas or as they have coined "ideas worth spreading". It is fantastic. Simple really and fascinating. I highly recommend watching it! You never know what new ideas is being formulated in your mind...maybe one of these videos will help it come into fruition!?

I do not believe a day that goes by where I do not brainstorm. I am always thinking about new projects, ideas etc. Definitely can be exhausting this "Inventor Explorer" personality type of mine...that fallback being so many ideas I could act on any of them...but continue to bounce back and forth between them instead. I know that some of the "ideas" I have had lately have been years in the making, they have formulated and now here I am...more ready than ever. Putting myself in Toronto will definitely allow me the freedom and opportunity to let it all come together.
...stay tuned ;)

Think BIG, 'tis the season.

and what a perfect metaphor...if I had never gone to that coffee shop and met the person that introduced me to then I would not have seen this video and been inspired to write this post. Ah, life.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Words from the soul and faces of the mirror

I spent last night at the Toronto Poetry Slam ( Truly inspired by the insane talent amongst these young poets as they passionately share their accounts of life in beautifully constructed rhymes and verse.
My new friend Eytan...a very talented and delightful person - totally rocked it on stage. I appreciate his energy and the undying passion he puts into his work. He knows what it means to work hard - as he visits as many open mic nights around the city after 8 hours at *ahem* a boring day job...he keeps at it. He is part of a comedy troop called The BOOM, and writes constantly.
Keep rocking buddy - and LOVE the journey.

Great conversation with him and another friend at a little pizza place on Queen after the show. Each of us...artist, entrepreneur, navigating...we find our way.
We spoke of how important it is to live authentically. Everyone has their own journey. Has a path. Life unfolds the way it is supposed to. Everyone comes from a different background. We learn from one another.
Do we judge other's path's too often? Do judgements come from a place of fear? Is our path more easily validated by putting down that of another? Can people from completely different backgrounds end up in the same profession?

Sometimes I think people are quick to judge other's when it comes to what they think they "should" be doing with their life.
Who is anyone to say how another "should" be living?
When we pin people, stereotype or cast them - we really are looking at them with such limited perception or scope. Do we miss out on opportunity to learn from them?

The three of us spoke a lot about actors - as Eytan and Suzie (both actors) know each other from a school for the arts - and as they caught up - it was a natural evolution of our conversation.
But - Actors though - what is the typical personality type of an actor? Is there one? Really - can't anyone act? What makes an actor good?
Who would make a better actor?
a.) girl with straight A's through school, part of a theatre club, degree in fine arts theatre, various local talent shows and then cast in a professional show directly out of school
b.) guy who dropped out of high school, abuses drugs, back and forth between jobs, various acting gigs between rehab stays
(loosely based on real life people haha)
I think the question need not be who is the better actor, but rather, how can these two people learn from each other.
Two polar opposites, with extremely different life experiences have come into the same profession. If two such people were cast together in the same production, would they be judged by their accomplishments, or lack there of?
Perhaps they would.
Maybe they would even judge each other and again, try to validate their place in life by putting down that of their cast mate.
Girl thinks she is better because of her credentials and guy is insulted that girl thinks she is better than him because she is "professionally educated".

What can we learn from this?
It will do neither of them any favours - nor will they learn anything while BOTH carry on with a limited perception of each other.
let's say both of these people are equally gifted actors.

Girl actor - and guy actor - yes, have extremely opposing backgrounds - but what if they can learn from each other while they work together?
Leave out the judgement, the pre-conceived notions and pressure to be the best. Communicate.

All she must do is be authentic for her, from what she knows and vise versa, he for him. They share stories and experiences, as colleagues do, and maybe they do not need to immediately understand one another, but all is perfect in this moment, as they each do what they know, and are equally content with themselves. Take time to appreciate this connection with another, even in the face of fear or uncertainty.
Did they want to listen to the experiences each other was sharing? Perhaps not.
BUT - are they glad they did?
Do they understand with a little more ease, this real life experience that was shared by their colleague?
Maybe one day one of them will be cast in a new part where they are to play a character that is reflective of the other guy or girl actor's real life.
Will they now know how to navigate themselves better if such happens? Will their new character depiction come from a more authentic place within them because they took the opportunity to learn from this person's story? Or simply just to listen to it?

Simply listen. Listen and learn. Learn to know yourself better with help of others. Help others know themselves better.

We have all come from various walks of life. We have pasts that make us who we are right here - in the present.
Such is life.
Continue to carve the path, live from the soul, from what we each know and feel is right for us. How can we go wrong?!

Let go of judgement. Judgement of Self. Judgement of Others.
Take each moment to learn and continue to live authentically.

act from the soul.
right from the heart of you.
Recognize other's authenticity.
Do not judge.
...and as we do that, others will learn.

always remembering that the people who cross our path in life - mirror back to us - what we must truly learn about ourself.

In this great exchange of life.

From the soul,

music to my ears great soundtrack to life. I listen to it for inspiration, in times of sadness to lift me up, to energize myself during a run, to relax, to be present and for simple, PURE, enjoyment.
Words do not do justice the feeling my body gets when music hits my ears, touching my heart and soul.

This is a glimpse into my life's soundtrack...for the past week :)

The Fray - absolute
Hot Hot Heat - goddess on the prairie
Runaway - happiness
Phoenix - lisztomania
Broken Bells - the high road
Trevor Hall - lime tree
Deuter - Illumination
City & Colour - Sometimes
Jay Malinowski - there's a light
Metric - collect call
Mood Ruff - rocketship
The Shins - pink bullets
Atmosphere - reflections
Owl City - vanilla twilight
Jay Z - heart of the city
Imogen Heap - first train home
Bedouin Soundclash - mountain top
Muse - city of delusion
Jack Johnson - crying shame
The Used - the taste of ink
K-OS - the love song
The Beatles - a day in the life
Billy Talent - line and sinker
David Usher - surfacing
Eminem - going through changes
Hans Zimmer - black hawk down soundtrack
IllScarlett - life of a soldier
The Used - light with a sharpened edge
Millencolin - no cigar
The Fray - look after you
Rooney - here today, gone tomorrow

…and so much more xo.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Bedouin Soundclash, new friends, late night coffee beans...and dreams I just had the most fantastic day on set filming the new Bedouin Soundclash video for "Mountain Top"!

what I loved most about the day - music aside - were the people I met. Dancing, talking, singing, laughing - just playing around having a great time. SO much you can learn about people when put in a scenario such as this.
Just simply "enjoying" a life experience together. People really shine. I sit up at my computer - wide awake - probably a big mistake to eat 8 chocolate covered coffee beans at 11pm - oops! I don't know what is so damn good about those little balls - let me tell you they are addictive. Brings me back to those late night library study sessions in university!
But anyway - I am here working on my computer... - okay, truthfully i have been on facebook (for probably WAY too long) - but its quite great actually and I have allowed myself to enjoy it for the last hour or so.

Today, I met a group of wonderful people; we all came together and touched each other's lives. I know i will never forget it. So, as I let myself cruise around on facebook, upload photos and video from the day, add/accept all my new found friends, it is kind of a tribute to the fun times had.
Maybe some of these people I will never talk to again in my life (that being said we will probably remain FB friends forever haha), maybe one or two of us will share an experience again one day, perhaps even I come to know them and they play a significant part along my own path....who knows.

That is the beauty of the present time - we do not have to know what the future holds for us. We can enjoy making these bonds, forming connection, experiencing life, and letting ourselves shine in each moment.
It is also important to remember today - so we can dream for tomorrow.
I have wanted to dive into the film/tv/creative industry for a long time - today was a step in the right direction - and really reaffirms that I am on the right track with my life right now. I am following my dream - making shit happen.
(for those of you who are like, well, aren't you a yoga teacher - where is this coming from?!) oh my friends, I am so much more than just a yoga teacher - I LIVE yoga, I will continue to teach people from my experiences and although being a teacher helps to define me - by no means must it limit me.
Maybe my interest in the film industry will lead me to producing more yoga videos...hmmmmm!?

I am so thankful for this wicked experience...only more good times to be had.

The time is now, so as of recently, I have decided to move to Toronto to expand, grow, create more opportunity and LIGHT IT UP in the city I have missed for too long. (102.1 the edge - I love you so much)
More on my Toronto transition soon ;)
Make YOUR dreams happen people - you only live once!

“anyone who lives within their means, suffers from a lack of imagination” – Oscar Wilde.

much love,

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Inspiration; Africa Yoga Project & Poetry

Today was amazing, feeling very inspired and full of love I wanted to share a story called the "Africa Yoga Project". I attended a yoga fundraiser outside in Waterloo Square this evening to raise money for this uplifting charity. The Africa Yoga Project teaches and trains yoga teachers in Kenya, bringing love, life and hope to communities living in poverty.
I also share with you, a piece of beautiful poetry, a life philosophy of sorts....something that I am so thankful was introduced to me - it very much resonates with me and my life.
Remember - always live for yourself.
With Gratitude,

check out my video post on youtube

enjoy xo

Friday, August 13, 2010

Hoarding, Cleaning & Minimalism

I pretty much just spent the last two days cleaning and organizing. Feels so good, especially during periods of transition in life - its very fitting. Out with the old, prepare for the new.
How can I lose myself in such a task and why do I love it so much? Would some think I am crazy for wanting to spend hours at a time lost in my basement? Doesn't matter. I love it.

My roommate moved out today. I helped her organize, clean and pack. As she struggled to separate the junk from her prized possessions - in I came to save the day. She leaves the bedroom (which at this point the floor is still not visible) to pack up the bathroom and upon her return she is elated to find her room almost entirely packed. It took me all of 15 minutes. She mentions how I should offer my special skills as a service...and all I can think is, that's sweet, but I don't friggin think so.
Don't get me wrong - it's great, I am good at it, but as a job... Never going to happen haha. Wouldn't that be a step in the wrong direction. But a sweet sense of gratitude.

Cleaning is meditation for me. Clearing out old stuff, junk, dirt, mess is refreshing and calming. My mind stills, slows, and I feel so peaceful just losing myself in my home as I cruise from room to room. There is no proper agenda nor do i have a goal in mind - I just clean.

Contrary to popular belief (my family's) I am not a hoarder. Okay, so I used to have A LOT of "collections", keychains, beanbag clowns, rocks/shells, coins, stamps, pogs (oh pogs...okay I admit I still have em...hmm...maybe time to put those bad boys up on Kijiji or eBay), cards, dice - you name it I was collecting it. Over the years I have learned to relinquish the need to "collect" for collecting sake - and have gradually given away most things.
Yes, I still keep some stuff - I will never give up my killer shot glass collection which is pushing almost 75 pieces or so at this point. But I have learned to let go. Not only learned, but I LOVE to get rid of things. I find myself just giving stuff away all the time. I feel lighter as a result. I don't really NEED all this STUFF. Travel affirms this realization (but I will save that for another post at another time).
That all being said...I do keep an amazing collection of dress up clothing, a library's worth of books, and a ridiculous amount of bags and purses. Hey, we all have our vices. I am okay with it. I use these things often - perhaps that could be the difference, I don't know. What I do know is that becoming attached is the reality most of us face.

Learning to let things go and non-attachment are essential for a peaceful way of life. Why do we feel the need to hold on to everything? Is it the memories? Is it the fear that once we let something go we will need it soon after and regret giving it away? Do we feel that we will just miss having it? Some of us feel that certain items hold a monetary value and it would be like throwing 10, 20 or 100 dollars down the drain.
BUT - what about the "energetic" value that "stuff" holds? Maybe we don't want to get rid of an old chair, it was with us during our university days, we remember moving it from house to house each year, people passing out on it at parties, or just the fact that we were proud that it was one of our first major furniture purchases.
Every time you go in your basement you think "ugh, that damn chair is always in the way, oh it is really tattered and ugly, I would never have that in any new home i own" - BUT you don't let it go. It continues to travel with you as you move into your first home - collects dust along the way - you throw out your back carrying it up from the basement and then down into the new basement. Dammit! That's a lot of stress and energy for an old shitty chair.

So why can't you give it up? What makes us hold onto things with such affection when in reality they are probably causing us more stress than good. Is that one moment recalling joyful memories (as we glance at the chair stuffed up against the wall in the laundry room while we fold our darks) really worth that high energetic stress value that the chair burdens us with?
Probably not.
If you MUST, take a picture of the chair or frame a picture that you took, back in the day, with your buddy passed out on the chair, hell, snip a section of material off the chair and save it if you wish. But - let it go!
Let go and feel lighter! Free the heavy feeling that "stuff" accumulates on our bodies and minds.

I am not a hoarder anymore. Well, I would have to say I probably never really quite made it to "hoarder" status (although I was close), but I had a hard time letting things go. I would move and actually accumulate stuff each time!
Not sure exactly when that shift happened for me - but I feel like a huge weight was lifted off of me when it did.
My girlfriend recently moved into her new condo. I was over for lunch yesterday and couldn't pride her enough on the fact that she didn't have any furniture - but a bed, dresser and small table for two (with chairs). She told me she doesn't even want a couch. Talk about liberation!

We don't need much - we just think we do. We don't need to hold onto things - we just think we do.

Do we talk ourselves into it? What is holding us back from letting go? Is this a pattern in our lives? Are we not capable of letting go of a thought in our minds, a bad relationship, the notion of always being right perhaps? A way of thinking that holds you back, an old shitty chair from the depths of our basement, a crazy accumulation of tupperware that continues to to grow? So much we create in our own minds.

These are all forms of attachment.

So I challenge you.
Ask yourself, what can I let go of right now?
Don't think - just do.
Feel lighter - let go. You have all that you need. Trust that.

Be - don't hoard. Clean - don't put it off. Minimalism...meditation...freedom.
So Awesome.

Love, Ashley.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Timeless Journey

As I sit on a balcony in New Westminster BC, I reflect on the past few days of my life. Taking the train across Canada was one of the greatest adventures thus far. I feel blessed, honoured, inspired, and an overwhelming sense of appreciation and positivity. An epic and extraordinary journey. Three wonderful people entered my life - they know who they are. Love you all.
I settled into the beginning of my journey with few expectations - rather - a sense of openness. Allowing life to happen, letting go of past notions of "result production" - there was no stress to achieve anything - and the outcome - I have been able to welcome in all the opportunities and experiences that were meant to be.

When we meet new people - we learn from them or hope to. We also facilitate an experience for others to learn and grow through us. Conversing about life about everything; we see ourselves. If we are lucky some of our filters are removed and we are presented with a new lens or frame in which to view ourselves and how we fit into the world. Parts of us are awakened. It is amazing that when happiness is truly present within us life is just so sweet. And as that happiness is lived out and an even greater sense of openness is produced - more and more joy and contentment is received.

Travel enables awakening - even when you think you are awake. So much is learned. Uncovered. Brought to life.

I have so much in me that wants out. As my words jump onto the page and I tell my story.

Crossing our great country from my Toronto to Van was a colourful voyage of beauty. The landscape of Canada is full of life. Ontario was comforting and familiar. Rivers, lakes, trees and sky. The curvy lakes that are nestled between groves of trees and diverse cottage designs fit perfectly.
Saskatchewan surprised me with its perfection. Vast yellow fields that softly evoke the assiduous farmers and remind me of how we are lucky to have everything we need in our own land.
...and then there are the rockies - no elaborate introduction required- only admiration for how they touch my heart. Being able to sit in the skycar with nothing more to do than observe their majesty - does life get any better than that?

The landscape, the endless bottles of red wine, great conversation, open hearts and minds... made this piece of my life a ravishing story that I am enthused and honoured to share.

Travel. Be free. Live. Love. Laugh.

Much love and gratitude from all that I am,

POEMS from a voyage:

- Sitting still and stirring -

A Beautiful life of important surprises, finding me here.
Moments unplanned, continue to flow in depth; no need to understand.
Briefly questioned but never judged.
Follow the path of unconditional love.

Sinister some would say. Not fazed by outside inspection
The unknown beauty rests deep and breaths slow. We sink into belief
Always moving but sitting still.
You stir me up at our will.

- Glisten by day -
Clouds of white break up the sky and nestled above the earth they float
Mirrored back down below in the cloud of thoughts that construct my day
This experience of life is transformed by thought clouds and cushioned by love
The river flows, the lake ripples and sun glistens in movement
The stillness appears and silence enters first eyes then mind and here I am.

- A sea of green -
A sea of green, a golden dream
Quiet mind, lead to places never been.

The soft Rain falls, along rock wall
Slide down; I am coming after it all.

Ride along, a whispered song
Its easy; what is done is not wrong.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Great CANADIAN YOGA Adventure!

Wives of Warriors Yoga - Great CANADIAN YOGA Adventure.
4 days train - 10 days Vancouver - 4 days via train - and a whole-lotta yoga and fun in between.

T-minus 30 hours....please stay tuned as I embark tomorrow!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Ahimsa & Eating Plants

So....for about the past month I have been eating a plant based, whole foods diet. I have always enjoyed vegetables, eaten lots of them, i ate meat too, but leaned to vegetarian recipes and felt great when doing so. Transitioning to...and I hate to use the term "veganism" (people like to bust my chops about being a "vegan" - so i will stick to "plant based, whole foods" when describing my dietary choices)...but transitioning to this lifestyle choice was relatively easy for me. I knew my body felt better eating these types of foods and now that I have done much reading and research in the field - I feel confident about my choice.

Wanted to bring up an important point that relates to the "Yama" (rules or codes of conduct for living). The Yogic Philosophy of Ahimsa or non-violence, non-harming, compassion and respect.

As I am quite an open person - I like to share my life experiences and choices with my family and friends but with that I have noticed a lot of skepticism and criticism tends to drift my way. I have always been one to carve my own path (keeping in mind that sometimes it is important to keep other's opinion's in mind)... I continue to live my life the way i know and feel is right for me.
The lesson here - is that no matter what I choose to do - it is my choice and I honour that!
It is important not to criticize others for their choices - because at the end of the day - everyone is living their life in their own authentic way.
Ahimsa or non-violence, compassion and respect is one of the yogic principles that this scenario falls nicely under.

Ahimsa is one of the reasons I have chosen not to eat our furry friends - showing kindness and compassion to animals. But, the bigger picture here is whether you choose to eat meat or is important to live Ahimsa=non-violence. Be kind to those around you - and that kindness will be reflected out to the world.
We must always respect the choice of others and not judge them.

So as I choose to eat my "crazy potions" as some of my family members call them (referring to the planet extracts and smoothie ingredients I consume), I too must practice Ahimsa. I do not anger or get frustrated any longer when comments are made about my choices - I am kind and do not judge the fact that they may not know anything about this type of diet and are acting out of fear or ignorance perhaps - it does not matter. People will have their opinions - and if we commit to always showing them kindness, even if we want to lash out and defend our choices - we will all be better off.

"plant based, whole foods" = amazing - making your senses roar!

Thank you to Alicia Silverstone and her life changing book "The Kind Diet" for such amazing inspiration.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Ashley's Morning Routine & Mantra Exercise for you to try!

My new routine - that flowed so well this morning that i am officially implementing it into my daily life. (I have been doing variations of it the activities are basically the same, i am just loving the new flow).


Wake up - usually around 7 (but i like 6am better)
Nala Breakfast, Let Nala out
Sun salutation/warrior/meditation
Put on the kettle
Nala walk/adventure
Down to work. No facebook checking (at least not immediately). God. why is that little element so essentially part of everyday! haha. The world will not end if i don't check my facebook.
Once i get my iphone it will just blend right in with blackberry checking. I actually lied above....inbetween waking and Nala breakfast - there is some hardcore blackberry time. haha.

So that's my routine...what is yours?! Check out my beginner's yoga sequence video if you are looking for a place to start. Add yoga to your morning! (the video is only 10 minutes - take that time for you! And if you tell yourself you don't have time - consciously get up 10 minutes earlier each day....practice the routine and see how you feel!) Be energized and fresh!

My personal practice has been very rich lately. Lots of hours on the mat, lots of deep mediations and relaxations, and major openings in my physical body. amazing.
Morning routine (yoga) is not my "practice" for the day. I get on my mat at least an hour everyday for asana/relaxation/meditation. (usually at Moksha Yoga Waterloo - my second home)
But if you are new to yoga - try the 10 minutes in the morning......i bet it will change your life!

Before I end my bantering...I just want to share one more little piece of my own routine (haha i know, lots of routines, but they are good for my erratic vata tendencies - keeps me on track).
At the close of my "mat" practice everyday (for the past month, since my special someone has been away - is when i started this new specific one) I repeat the same Mantra. It is more of an affirmation i suppose, but it is a very beautiful part of my practice.

I offer this piece of advice to everyone - pick a few words, a saying, a quote, something that means a lot to you, or inspires, uplifts, or makes you happy - and repeat it to yourself everyday. It doesn't necessarily have to come at the end of a yoga practice, perhaps it is before you sleep or when you wake up (or at all three times if you want!).
But - repeat this to yourself. Find strength, solace and pure happiness from it. I will not say what mind is specifically.....but here are some ideas:

"I am beautiful, I am brilliant"
"I am positive"
"I will use today to enjoy my journey"
"breathe, its a new and exciting day"
"live today for me!"
"I let go of fear, I rise to the occasion"
"I breath in positivity, I let go of negativity" get the point!

This mantra or affirmation is something positive to hold on to, something negative to let go of, or an action to make what you want to affirm - happen!
The following is something that i have done in my practice for a long time....try it!

Mantra Exercise - for personal hapiness

1. pick your own personal mantra or affirmation (for example's sake we will use "I am strong and creative, I will work hard today"

2. quiet the body, be still (sit, stand, lay, doesn't matter), close the eyes

3. Take a deep inhale through the nose and repeat {your mantra} "I am strong and creative" (consciously taking those words into the body, letting them settle)

4. Exhale completely through the nose or mouth and repeat "I will work hard today" (letting go of anything negative that will stand in your way of affirming this to yourself)

5. Repeat.

That is the beauty of the breath - it is renewal. Each inhale we can breath in positivity and things we need, and each exhale we can breath out negativity and let go of the things that we don't.

Try it - breathe and be happy. Happiness is not something we search externally for, but something found within the heart of all beings. So connect to the breath, inhales and exhales, and experience your place of happiness within you.


Lots of Love,


Wednesday, April 28, 2010

New Campaign!!

Wives of Warriors Yoga is a new campaign from Ashley Lord Yoga - offering Yoga to the family and friends of deployed soldiers globally! To launch the campaign I have started an 8 part yoga and wellness video series - which can be found on youtube.

Please follow this link to the website (where you can also find the youtube video links!)

This is a very exciting project that I am eager to share with everyone!

Much love,


Monday, April 26, 2010

Healthy Lunch

video tour of "my lunch" lol your greens!!!

1/2 a Veggie Burger with sprouts, goat cheese, onion, tomato, ketchup and mustard on a whole wheat bun AND a huge green salad with lettuce, green onion, cucumber, dill, olive oil and balsamic vinegar!

Bon Appetite.

Friday, April 16, 2010

New Video Post

for some reason I couldn't upload the latest video!

Enjoy my ramblings on What Yoga is to me... on youtube.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Elements of Frustration on the mat deepen our practice and understanding of self.

The following things may seem problematic in a yoga class. When we come to understand them a little differently, we realize how beneficial the experience of the following elements can be:
-intense heat (hot yoga)
-sweat dripping
-holding postures for an extended period of time
-discomfort or difficulty in general
-distracting music
-teachers voice we don’t like
-a fowl smell
-the list goes on…pretty much anything that is not going exactly the way you thought or find frustrating in a yoga class….perhaps look at it as an opportunity to learn from.

These elements aid us in understanding ourselves and returning us to balance, playing a certain role. This role, one of the essential concepts of yoga practice –awakening to our fullest potential, benefit us by challenging our mind. To combat this challenge we must engage the breath fully, the breath triggers a relaxing response to the body and we inherently become more focused and able to control how our mind perceives and how we act. It enables us the control we need over the mind when faced with difficulty, stress, etc.

We must engage fully with the breath to learn from these challenges, we are practicing how to control our mind when faced with difficulty, using our breath. When a stressful situation presents itself, remember to breath. Perhaps take a few seconds to take a couple deep breaths, and then return to the situation. (Eventually you may not even perceive the situation as stressful at all – because you know you can handle anything!) Practicing yoga we activate what is already inside us, not searching for something outside ourselves, but knowing we have everything we need already within.

Essential elements such as these allow us to practice these feats of difficulty, so that when we step off our mat and into the world, we are more fully awake, aware, present, connected and better able to deal with anything the external world throw as us. In yoga, we are becoming strong internally, creating a strong “container” of mind and body, so that when faced with difficulty we are that much better prepared – have perhaps experienced a similar frustration in our yoga practice, and we are able to draw on that experience to better handle the situation from a place of balance, neutrality and familiarity.
Through yoga we also become more mindful of ourselves, better able to recognize when we start to re-act, instead of the preferred; our choice to act from a place we are fully in control of.


Restorative yoga, in my opinion is the exception to this as it is is intended for immediate relaxation and rejuvenation, and adding other elements of difficulty may be counter productive to its purpose.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

"Leap and the net will appear"

If you have a dream, a vision, follow it - LIVE IT.

Have a great day,


Tuesday, March 23, 2010

NEW Video Project!!

Hey everyone!

I would like to welcome the start of a new project from Ashley Lord Yoga. Its a daily/weekly video blog that will include inspirational quotes, words of the day, yoga posture tips, meditations, relaxations etc.
Rock on. Enjoy.

Much love,

Costa Rica Retreat Promo Video

a very fun snowy winter day filming a jokes promo video for a Costa Rica yoga retreat.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Nothing is a waste of time

Recently I heard a thank you speech at an awards show. The recipient thanked his parents profusely for being a constant beacon of support, but dedicated the speech to those people who do not have that same type of support. The recipient stated "Nothing is a waste of time".
Continue to do what you want to do - what makes you happy, you are not wasting your time! If you are an artist who wants to paint, a snowboarder who has an olympic dream, or even someone who loves dogs and wants to run a successful business as a dog walker - do IT. Live the life you love and follow your dreams. Continue to pursue your passions and success will follow you!
I really think it is important to know that where you are is right where you should be. All those little steps along the way has only got you to where you are right now - so don't give up. You are closer than you think!
Too many people think down on themselves, because they have a voice in their head telling them to give up on their dreams. Don't listen to it! Do what you want to do.
"Leap and the net will appear"

If you start to measure success in terms of happiness you are richer than you think.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

no danger...from these eyes of a stranger

Woke up this morning at my moms, packed up the pooch and hit the road! Made a tastey cinnamon bagel to go.
So driving down the road and almost run out of gas! Make it to a gas station, I may as well of just coasted in there - it was a close call.
I fill up with only $15.....because I get this crazy feeling my debit card is not gonna work (last week the bank shut it off due to "suspect" activity and I had to call them to reset my pin, then it was working again!) - but I had this feeling for some reason. And sure enough, I go to pay and my card is declined!"Declined - contact bank" was the message. So (at this point I am just going to make it to teach my 9am class, it was just before 8 and I had about a 45 minute drive ahead of me!), I try to reason with the extremely serious merchant at the desk, asking if I could leave something there for him as collateral - until I paid later that afternoon!) Needless to say he didn't budge! (He wanted me to leave my phone - but like that was gonna happen!! Hehe). I tell him I am just gonna go outside to see what I have in my car......
I am still pretty calm at this point, and seriously thinking about what my plan of action is going to be! Then I see an old gentleman walking across the gas station, en route to pay for his gas inside. I didn't even hesitate and turned immediately to him as our paths crossed. "Hi sorry to bother you....and explained my situation, oh and here come the tears!! Just a few start to trickle down my cheek as I plead with him, and with out even saying anything to me, we walk inside together, smiling kindly, as if to say, sure of course I will help you!" SO - wow. He pays for my gas and I ask him for his address so I can send him a cheque, of course. His tiny act of selfless kindness enabled me to get back on the road, make it home to drop off Nala, and get to my yoga class on time. I arrive to my sunday morning (dedicated) students. This tale of kindness proves that one little (seemingly insignificant) event could have changed the course of 21 people's lives that morning, whether I made it or not.
"Small acts of kindness can make a world of difference" and that is the story and lesson that I started off this morning's yoga class with. Sharing a tale of kindness that benefitted us all (and others sure to come, as each one of my students will be sure to help out a stranger in need one day). The circle of life.
Do things without hesitation, be kind without expecting anything in return. You don't know how many people you are helping.

Love Ashley